Soluciones Analíticas y de Control de Procesos

Somos la empresa europea líder en la fabricación de soluciones fotónicas y de inteligencia artificial para el control de procesos industriales y productivos en tiempo real.

Conoce la historia sobre IRIS
Sobre IRIS
Sobre IRIS


Innovar la industria con la creación e integración de tecnologías y soluciones high-end.


Llegar a ser líderes mundiales como fabricantes de soluciones fotónicas y de inteligencia artificial destinando nuestra pasión y talento a superar los límites de la tecnología. Nuestra Visión en I+D pasa por utilizar nuestras capacidades de I+D+i y proyectos de I+D para capitalizar el conocimiento, crear nuevos productos para el mercado y desarrollar nuevas aplicaciones industriales, mantener al día nuestra competitividad y abrir nuevos mercados.

IRIS es miembro de

Sobre IRIS
Sobre IRIS

Nuestros valores


Te mostramos el camino


Nos aventuramos a nuevas fronteras


Conectados para un alto rendimiento


Seguimos avanzando


Confiamos y se puede confiar en nosotros


Desde dentro: amamos lo que hacemos

Nuestra historia, así es como empezamos


Así empezamos

IRIS se funda en Barcelona como una empresa de ingeniería avanzada y emprende un viaje para ampliar la prometedora tecnología de optimización de procesos y las soluciones para mejorar la industria.


La experiencia de IRIS en las Tecnologías Facilitadoras Clave sitúa a la empresa entre las diez primeras de España

Gracias a nuestra visión, y al talento y el trabajo duro de nuestro equipo multidisciplinar, con capacidades analíticas, de diseño, de producción y de integración, nos aseguramos un posicionamiento de nicho como proveedor de servicios innovadores de I+D e ingeniería que tiende un puente entre la Universidad y la Industria. IRIS lleva a cabo con éxito numerosos proyectos de I+D en las áreas de las tecnologías analíticas de procesos (PAT), la fotónica, el IoT y las TIC, ampliando las tecnologías más complejas, generando conocimientos técnicos y patentes clave para nuestro negocio, y contribuyendo a publicaciones científicas destacadas.


La Calidad en el centro de todo

IRIS se compromete con un programa de mejora continua de la calidad y obtiene la certificación ISO 9001:2008 y UNE-EN-ISO 166002: Sistemas de Gestión I+D+i


Nace la familia VISUM®, nuestros dispositivos de monitorización en tiempo real.

Gracias a nuestra sólida trayectoria en I+D, hemos podido realizar importantes avances en nuestra propia Hoja de Ruta Tecnológica, lo que nos ha permitido diseñar y desarrollar nuestros propios dispositivos basados en espectroscopia Infrarroja y cumplir con la misión de integrar novedosos sistemas de monitorización en línea para la mejora de la calidad y la estandarización de procesos en las industrias alimentaria, farmacéutica y química, entre otras. Finalmente, en 2016, nace la marca VISUM®. VISUM® ofrece una potente propuesta de valor a la industria: llevar una capacidad analítica de laboratorio asequible y fiable a las líneas de fabricación (Lab2Line) y a lo largo de toda la cadena de valor (Lab2Chain) con fines de monitorización de procesos e inspección de calidad en tiempo real.


Inteligencia Artificial y Deep Learning para explotar los datos.

A medida que la revolución de la Industria 4.0 cobra impulso, en 2017 IRIS crea una nueva unidad digital dedicada al desarrollo de soluciones de fabricación inteligente en la nube y en las instalaciones, capaces de explotar los datos de proceso/fabricación con herramientas de inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje profundo. Esto añade más fuerza a nuestra Propuesta de Valor para nuestros clientes: la capacidad de convertir los datos en información procesable para la industria y permitir industrias y cadenas de valor digitalizadas y conectadas para mejorar la eficiencia, la orientación al cliente, la circularidad y la competitividad.


Nuevas oficinas y nueva identidad, pero manteniendo la excelencia y el trabajo duro.

El año 2020 nos ha puesto a prueba. En un año repleto de retos que han sacudido el núcleo de la industria y las economías de todo el mundo, hemos seguido adelante con más fuerza si cabe: la tecnología profunda, la digitalización y la capacidad de innovar son pilares fundamentales para ayudar a nuestros clientes a responder y crear resiliencia ante un mundo que cambia rápidamente. Como empresa, estamos agradecidos a nuestro equipo, a nuestros clientes y al ecosistema de la innovación abierta en Europa, por la capacidad de permanecer a la vanguardia del estado de la técnica para "crear su ventaja competitiva"


Internacionalización y apertura de nuevos mercados de exportación

A partir de 2023 comenzamos un proceso de expansión comercial acelerado, acercando nuestra línea de dispositivos analizadores industriales Visum® a nuevos mercados mediante el desarrollo de una red comercial de distribución y con presencia en América Central, América del Sur, Europa y Asia en más de 14 países alrededor del mundo.


Revolucionamos la usabilidad y accesibilidad de las tecnologías NIR y Raman

Conscientes de las limitaciones a nivel de usabilidad, accesibilidad y apertura de los analizadores de proceso que emplean tecnología NIR y Raman, lanzamos al mercado el software Visum Master™ asistido por IA, el primero y único que automatiza el desarrollo de calibraciones y métodos para usuarios no expertos. Creamos una nueva forma de experimentar la tecnología, facilitando el desarrollo, edición y validación de calibraciones de forma autónoma por parte del usuario final y sin necesidad de intermediarios, convirtiendo así a la línea de dispositivos Visum® en sistemas realmente abiertos capaces de atender las necesidades analíticias actuales y futuras de cada industria.



Nuestros desafiantes proyectos internacionales proporcionan a nuestros equipos tareas de alta complejidad, ampliando constantemente sus conocimientos y actualizando sus habilidades.

Si tienes estudios en el ámbito de las Tecnologías SMAC (Backend, Frontend, Fullstack, Data science...), Ciencia e Ingeniería (Quimiometría, Óptica, Electrónica, Mecánica...) o Gestión de Proyectos, esta es tu oportunidad perfecta para unirte a un entorno colaborativo, multicultural, multidisciplinar y ágil que te permitirá aplicar tus habilidades, construir sobre tu experiencia, proponer nuevas ideas, tomar decisiones y crecer.

Envia tu perfil

Posiciones abiertas

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Electrical - Automation Engineer

We are seeking to incorporate a R&D Automation/Electrical Engineer into our growing team. IRIS is an advanced engineering company that specializes in process monitoring and control solutions & novel technologies for process optimization. You will work as part of a team of scientists and engineers involved in R&D projects to generate industrial solutions across a variety of different industrial sectors including food, pharmaceuticals, automation, and monitoring. We operate in a demanding high-performance environment where you will be continually stimulated and challenged to learn new technologies.

Funciones del puesto

Essential job functions include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • Design and develop instrumentation control systems for company’s R&D efforts and company’s products.
  • Selection of instrumentation (sensors, actuators), for monitoring and control systems at lab and industrial installations.
  • Control systems design and implementation (PLC, HMI interfaces, frequency converters, Safety).
  • Electrical systems design and building for lab and industrial applications.
  • Participate in all development phases: specifications, design and build, acceptance tests, and in the installation and validation of equipment at client/partner facilities,
  • Management of orders, coordination of outsourced activities to subcontractors and suppliers.
  • Preparation of technical reports and manuals of the systems.
  • Technical leadership of projects, follow up events attendance and results presentation.




  • Degree in Mechatronics, Industrial Engineering, Automation Engineering or similar.
  • 3+ years of experience in instrumentation and control.
  • Control systems programming, configuration and commissioning (TIA Portal).
  • Knowledge and experience in industrial protocols (Profinet, Modbus, etc).
  • Electrical design (Eplan) and building.
  • Experience on hardware design (schematics, data sheets, BOM,…) and components assembly would be a plus.
  • Conversational English at C1-level or better is essential, and you must also be comfortable explaining and understanding complex technical ideas.

Habilidades adicionales

Additional Skills:


  • Experience in Product Development would be highly valuable.
  • Good communications skills, including written and oral, and technical presentation skills.
  • Excellent decision-making skills.
  • Proactivity and the ability to meet deadlines with minimal supervision.
  • Enthusiasm to learn.




  • Flexi-time working hours
  • Ticket Restaurant, Ticket Transport, Ticket Kindergarden
  • Grant up to 50% of the annual cost of your sport centre
  • Working in challenging R&D European projects
  • Private Medical Insurance (Optional)
  • Multidisciplinary and multicultural working environment
  • Fridays afternoon off
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IRIS is an advanced engineering company specialized in process monitoring and control solutions and state-of-the-art technologies for process monitoring and control solutions and cutting-edge technologies for process optimization. process ptimization. We are looking for a Fullstack web developer to join our software development team. software development team. We are working in a high erformance place where you will be able to grow professionally.

Funciones del puesto

Job functions:


  • Definition and optimization of sample measurement procedure; set-up definition, sample preparation, etc.
  • Spectra acquisition with different optical devices/set-ups (hyperspectral cameras, probes, other) working in different spectral ranges (Vis-NIR, SWIR, MIR, etc.) and/or with different spectroscopic technologies (NIR, raman, etc.)
  • Spectra handling by means of software programming (Matlab, python, R, etc.)
  • Chemometrics and Machine learning model application
  • Data analysis and reporting


Key requirements:


  • A Degree in Chemistry with a Master in Chemometrics or similar. Holding a PhD
  • would be highly valuable.
  • Expertise in hyperspectral imaging, preferable in food or pharma applications.
  • Highly experienced in chemometrics techniques, specifically in multivariate analysis (PLS, MCR-ALS, SVM, PLS-DA etc.)
  • Expertise on molecular spectroscopic techniques specially in Infrared spectroscopy
  • Skilled in Matlab and/or other software’s for chemometrics analysis
  • An advanced level of English is a must. Spanish knowledge would be highly
  • valuable
  • Good research abilities, attention to detail,strong organizational skills, the ability to multitask, problem solving and excellent reporting skills
  • Teamwork player

Habilidades adicionales

Additional Skills:


  • Knowledge of certifications (EMC for CE mark, etc.)
  • Control systems design and implementation (PLC, HMI interfaces, Frequency converters, Safety)· Knowledge of electrical systems
  • Good communications skills, both oral and written, technical presentation skills a plus
  • Excellent decision-making skills
  • Proactivity and enthusiasm
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision.




  • Flexi-time working hours
  • Ticket Restaurant, Ticket Transport, Ticket Kindergarden
  • Grant up to 50% of the annual cost of your sport centre
  • Working in challenging R&D European projects
  • Private Medical Insurance (Optional)
  • Multidisciplinary and multicultural working environment
  • Fridays afternoon off
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Electronics R&D/Mechatronics Engineer

We are seeking to incorporate an Electronics R&D Engineer into our growing team. IRIS is an advanced engineering company that specializes in process monitoring and control solutions & novel technologies for process optimization. You will work as part of a team of scientists and engineers involved in R&D projects to generate industrial solutions across a variety of different industrial sectors including food, pharmaceuticals, and monitoring. We operate in a demanding high-performance environment where you will be continually stimulated and challenged to learn new technologies.

Funciones del puesto

Essential job functions include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Design, develop and implementation of electronic systems for company’s R&D efforts and company’s products.
  • Selection of instrumentation (i.e. sensors, components, etc.) for monitoring systems at lab and industrial installations.
  • PCB design, developing and testing from prototyping to production.
  • Low level programming for microcontrollers and embedded programming (Texas, microchips, C/C++, Qt).
  • Participate in all development phases: specifications, design and build, acceptance tests, and in the installation and validation of equipment at client/partner facilities.
  • Management of orders, coordination of outsourced activities to subcontractors and suppliers.
  • Preparation of technical reports and manuals of the systems.




  • BS in Electronics/Industrial/Mechatronics/Automation Engineering or equivalent
  • Minimum of 4 years’ industry experience is a must
  • Hands on experience on hardware design (PCB, schematics, data sheets, BOM,…) and components assembly.
  • Selection of instrumentation (sensors, actuators)
  • Experienced on low level programming for microcontrollers and embedded programming (Texas, microchips, C/C++, Qt) and communication protocols.
  • Good level of English (C1) is a must.

Habilidades adicionales

Additional Skills:


  • Knowledge of certifications (EMC for CE mark, etc.)
  • Control systems design and implementation (PLC, HMI interfaces, Frequency converters, Safety)· Knowledge of electrical systems
  • Good communications skills, both oral and written, technical presentation skills a plus
  • Excellent decision-making skills
  • Proactivity and enthusiasm
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision




  • Working for an international, dynamic and growing company, in the top 5 Spanish SMEs in European Funding Schemes (H2020)
  • Working with major European industries and research centres on leading edge technologies.
  • A vibrant multidisciplinary and multicultural environment.
  • Flexi-time working hours
  • Fridays afternoon off
  • Private Insurance (optional)
  • Ticket Restaurant, Ticket Transport, Ticket Kindergarten (optional)
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Mechanical Engineer

We are seeking to incorporate a Mechanical Engineer to join our growing team. IRIS is an advanced engineering company that specializes in process monitoring and control solutions & novel technologies for process optimization. You will work as part of a team of scientists and engineers involved in different R&D projects related with industrial solutions in different fields (food, pharma, automation, monitoring). We operate in a demanding high performance environment where you will be continually stimulated and you will grow a lot. Up for it?

Funciones del puesto

Essential Job Functions include the following, but are not limited to:


  • Design and develop mechanical structures for company’s R&D efforts and company’s products
  • Participate in all development phases; specifications, design, building, internal tests of acceptance, installation and validation at client’s facilities
  • Responsible for mechanical drawings from prototyping to production
  • Designing of 3D pieces and components
  • Assembly of prototypes
  • Maintaining technical documentation, such as user’s manuals




  • BS in Mechanical Engineering or similar
  • Minimum of 4 years’ industry experience is a MUST
  • Strong skills and experiences with mechanical drawing software packages, such as SolidWorks, is a must.
  • Knowledge in product certifications (CE mark, ATEX, etc.) would be highly valuable.
  • The successful candidate will have a strong mechanical background, for example with GD&T.
  • Experiences on mechanical design of optical devices for food or pharma industry would be a plus
  • Good level of English (C1) is a must.

Habilidades adicionales

Additional Skills:


  • Good communications skills, both oral and written, technical presentation skills a plus
  • Excellent decision-making skills
  • Proactivity and enthusiasm
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision


What we offer:


  • Working in challenging R&D European projects
  • Multidisciplinary and multicultural working environment
  • Flexi-time working hours
  • Fridays afternoon off
  • A productive work environment.
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Backend Developer (Workdeck)

Senior BackEnd Developer An enterprise software company is seeking an experienced Backend developer to work on advanced AI resource planning, optimization and information retrieval system, whose key aspects include a multi-agent system, multiple constraints (resources, time) and priorities (projects) to assign optimally the resources to the projects. The successful candidate will join atechnically leading-edge AI deployment for an enterprise application dedicated to complex workplace planning, control and monitoring.

Funciones del puesto

Job Description:


  • Develop fast, scalable and highly available web applications.
  • Dedicated to delivering tested and optimized high-performance, high-quality code.
  • Work in an agile environment.
  • Participate in resolution of production issues and lead efforts toward solutions.
  • Drive new features from inception to production, working across the company with product managers, UI designers and other stakeholders.
  • Lead in the BackEnd technologies and architecture decision-making.




  • BS or MS in computer science.
  • More than 3 years of experience as BackEnd developer for enterprise web applications.
  • Excellent with the following BackEnd technologies: PHP, microservices, Node, Python,
  • Experience with SQL: PostgreSQL and MySql as well as ORM models.
  • Strongly valuable experience with linux systems and scripting (bash).
  • Strongly valuable knowledge of Angular 6, React Native, Vue.js and other state-of-the-art FrontEnd technologies.

Habilidades adicionales



  • Flexi-time working hours
  • Ticket Restaurant, Ticket Transport, Ticket Kindergarden
  • Grant up to 50% of the annual cost of your sport centre
  • Working in challenging R&D European projects
  • Private Medical Insurance (Optional)
  • Multidisciplinary and multicultural working environment
  • Fridays afternoon off