Quality Policy
At IRIS we are committed to Quality as the key for our CORE BUSINESS development and continuous improvement in relation to the management of real-time solutions with spectroscopy and artificial intelligence for industry quality control and process optimisation.
Research and Innovation are the basis for building the IRIS Culture in relation to the R&D+i Project Management for Quality and Process Monitoring, Artificial Intelligence and technology for Waste Valorisation.
The Management System organizes our knowledge allowing continuous improvement in IRIS, as well as the use of our Know-How to obtain a competitive advantage.
IRIS is defined by:
- NOVEL PROJECTS AND ADDED VALUE: Executing projects that involve unique challenges and a high level of innovation.
- COMPETITIVENESS: The competitiveness of our Company is based on our ability to create added value for our clients and in our projects through a process of continuous improvement.
- COMMITTMENT to Our Clients and projects
- FLEXIBILITY: Use of our process flexibility to control and improve our internal Efficiency Processes, identifying mistakes or deficiencies, in order to continuously improve.
Our Company has the following main objectives:
- Internationalization of our activity, products and management system.
- Sustained growth of Clients and Projects
- To improve the efficiency of our Project implementation process.
- Maintain control and supervision of compliance with applicable regulations and other requirements to which the company subscribes.
- Continuous improvement through the Quality Management System.
- Commitment to the achievement of ISO and UNE requirements and the continuous improvement of the R&D+i efficiency system.
- Investment in internal research projects and development of new products and solutions.
- Development of new Research Lines.
- Greater scope of the staff, with specific training of jobs positions in Quality-related issues, achieving increasingly Higher levels of involvement with the company.
The Company’s Management supports and reviews the established system on an annual basis, asking staff to collaborate to manage the Objectives. IRIS also complies with all regulatory requirements.
Company Management
Edition 14st September 2023